Maker's Name: 
Paton Electrical Pty. Ltd., Sydney
Where made: 
1935 (?)
30 × 30 × 19 cm


The tester is encased in a wooden stained box with various pin sockets for testing tubes and a milliammeter so measurements can be made of the plate current. Furthermore, there are switches for the zeroing of the milliammeter, for biasing of tubes and for the power to the unit. By placing the defective tube in the appropriate socket, selecting the power source input, i.e. AC or DC and throwing the biasing toggle switch to zero, the plate current can be determined via the milliammeter. When the value of plate current has been noted the biasing toggle switch is flipped to its biasing position and the plate current is measured again. Consulting the tube testing table for that particular tube,the condition of the tube can be judged. Valve radios were so popular in the early 1930's that even today, valve testers are still being used.
